Summer BBQ and Cocktail Party

Cotswold House, Westwood, Uni of Bath
Saturday 26th July 2003

In another attempt to get rid of the left-over alcohol from the wedding, we have decided to hold a barbeque during the afternoon of 26th July (handy for those with ankle biters) followed by a Cocktail Party in the evening.  


from 1pm onwards on Saturday 26th July 2003 for the bbq, cocktails from whenever we feel up to it (probably 7-ish)


Cotswold House, Westwood, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7JY.  Plentiful car parking, regular buses to and from the train station.  For full instructions on how to get to the campus see the University's Getting Here web page.  Once on campus, follow this map.

What (to bring)

Meat animal or vegetable for the bbq plus enough bread for you (but not to feed an army!). We will be doing salads etc but if you feel inspired to make salads, cocktail nibbles, cakes etc, please consult with out head chef (a.k.a. Isobel) so we don't end up with 25 tomato salads and no lettuce.

We are planning to get a polypin(s) from one (or more) of the local breweries, so if you'd like in on this for a small contribution towards the cost, let us know.

If anyone dares to bring a bottle of gin they will be forced to do all the washing up while hanging upside down!


We have crash space for at least a dozen in the house (probably more) and if you have a tent and mind not camping out in August, we have plenty of space for that as well.  Other than that we can recommend the St Christopher's Hostel in town and the YHA is only slightly down the hill. Cheap hotels: Travel Lodge and Express Holiday Inn


By email


By telephone

Evenings +44 (0) 1225 826947
Nick's mobile +44 (0) 7967 482562
Issy's mobile +44 (0) 7866 558190
Nick's work +44 (0) 23 80592831
Issy's work +44 (0) 1225 385587

By post

Isobel Stark and Nick Gibbins
 Cotswold House 
University of Bath 

P.S. This page will look prettier when I can be bothered to make it so - IAS, 23/06/2003