To be held on Saturday 24th May at Cotswold House, University of Bath
We'll provide the telly, salads, cakes, crash space etc.
Getting to Bath is easy (take the A46 south from J18 of the M4, or take the train to Bath Spa), getting to the university slightly less so (the University of Bath has a comprehensive page describing how to get to the university).
Getting to Cotswold House in the university is decidedly non-trivial at present, given that the campus is one large building site at present. The PDF campus map shows this week's road layout, and Cotswold House is at the west end of the car park which is just to the north of the building labelled "Brendon Court".
We've got a big house, so there will plenty of crash space for those who want it on a first-come-first-served basis (and even a limited number of beds if you get your request in really early). If you think that you're getting a bit over the hill old for sleeping on floors, we can point you in the general direction of B&Bs (or see the listing on